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The term Mezcasiarca is a name given to the people, often the women, who serve the mezcal at gatherings and celebrations. This project and brand comes from Sandra Ortíz Brena, who co-founded the legendary In Sítu Mezcalería in Oaxaca City.

Mezcasiarca is “a way of returning to the original enjoyment of mezcal that I knew,” explained Sandra. “Cada quien se toma el mezcal que se merece,” Sandra says. “Each one drinks the mezcal which they deserve!”

Mezcasiarca offers two distinct avenues to explore: singular batches of heritage mezcal, selected from maestros around southern Mexico, alongside compelling releases from In Sítu’s team of distillers in Yeguesia, Oaxaca. For the majority of these batches, the mezcal reflects what Sandra refers to as alta gama: mezcal at still strength, cut purely from the heart of the distillation run and proofed with neither spirit nor water.

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