Aguerrido Cupreata from Refugio Calzada Hernandez is produced in Tetitlan de la Lima, Guerrero using Agave cupreata.
About this destilado de agave
Aguerrido Cupreata from Refugio Calzada Hernandez is produced in Tetitlan de la Lima, Guerrero using Agave cupreata. Don Refugio cooks his agave in a pit oven, mills the cooked agave using a shredder, ferments the agaves with open air yeasts, and double distills in a copper alembic still. Batches will vary based on agave capon time frames and time aging in glass. Check your bottle for details.
Aguerrido Mezcal
Mezcal Aguerrido is a brand that comes from the heart of the state of Guerrero, one of the least represented mezcal producing states due to the difficulties with narco-traffickers in the area. The brand is a union of maestros mezcaleros from Chilapa, Guerrero including Don Refugio, Don Ciro (R.I.P.), Don Tomás, Don Benigno, Dona Gabina, y Don Antonio.
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122 reviewsMay 5 2021 liters 351 46.9% aged in glass one year . wow Aromas out of the bottle are a strong one on this one almost gin-like flavors with a lot of berry and green fruits very little smoke very little out alcohol Aromas. Flavors swallowed a suit with the same types of brown and green gin-like flavors I think this is my favorite from this company so far. I will say the finish on this one’s powerful give it a fist up.
668 reviewsReally yummy approachable mezcal. Dry blueberry 7UP with a touch of copper. Some caramel and fruit jam. This was a 250ml Aguerrido Don Refugio Cupreata bottle purchased in Mexico (seems appropriate to leave a review on this page); this was actually a bottle that Mezcaloteca put their label over the original back label. “Madurado en Vidrio” on the neck of the bottle. Batch 02PAPSALA-21, distilled in 2017, 51% ABV.
738 reviewsBatch from May 2021. Aromas of brown sugar, cocoa, nutmeg, and orange peel. The palate is rich with notes that mostly match the nose. Tasting notes of lime, pomegranate, orange cream, cafe au lait, caramel, and mesquite. This has a bit of heat on this, but incredibly complex. Overall this is an everyday type of session mezcal. Highly enjoyable.
238 reviews2021 batch. This is one of the more inexpensive Aguerrido bottles, definitely worth picking up if you want to get into cupreata. The nose is bright and fruity. On the palate I get pineapple and lime. The finish isn’t as robust and long as some of the other Aguerridos.