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Alipus San Juan XX Aniversario – Rodolfo Juan Juárez

Alipus San Juan XX Aniversario is a special one-time release from Alipus Mezcal, marking the 20th Anniversary of the brand.

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Brand:Alipus Mezcal
Mezcalero:Rodolfo Juan Juarez
Maguey:Espadin, Tepeztate, Tobala
Agave:Angustifolia, Marmorata, Potatorum
Town:San Juan del Rio
ABV: 47.6%
Batch size: Lot AE-XXSJR: 890 bottles
Website: http://www.alipus.com/, opens in new window

About this mezcal

Alipus San Juan XX Aniversario is a special one-time release from Alipus Mezcal, marking the 20th Anniversary of the brand. This mezcal was produced using 38% maguey Espadín (Agave angustifolia), 36% Tepextate (Agave marmorata), 26% Tobalá (Agave potatorum).

Alipus Mezcal

Alipús was born in 1999, as a project of the Destilería Los Danzantes, with Don Joel Antonio and sons as the first producers, in San Juan del Río. Subsequently, Don Eduardo Hernández, of Santa Ana del Río, making Alipús Santa Ana mezcal; Don Cosme Hernandez and his son Cirilo in San Baltazar Guelavila, who make the Alipús San Baltazar mezcal; Don Valente Angel and sons, of Santa María La Pila, with the Alipús San Andrés mezcal. In 2013, Alipús San Luis was incorporated, made by Don Baltazar Cruz and sons, of San Luis del Río, and Alipús San Miguel, made by Don Felix García, Leonardo Rojas, and Tío Jesús in the Potrero Sola de Vega.

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