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Awry Tepeztate

Awry Tepeztate is produced by Ignacio Gutiérrez Santiago in the Mezcal Capital of the World, Santiago Matatlán, Oaxaca.

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Brand:Awry Mezcal
Mezcalero:Ignacio Gutiérrez Santiago
Town:Santiago Matatlán
ABV: 46%
Age of plant: 25 years
Website: https://landscapeimport.com/, opens in new window

About this mezcal

Awry Tepeztate is produced by Ignacio Gutiérrez Santiago in Santiago Matatlán, Oaxaca. The agaves take up to 25 years to reach maturity. They are milled by tahona and distilled in copper.

Awry Mezcal

Awry Mezcal is a product from Landscape Import. Landscape Import was founded by a group of childhood friends as a vehicle for traveling the world together, exploring new sensations, and sharing those experiences.

Their first endeavor was a series of natural wines, created with local winemakers during a three-month stay in Sicily during the Covid lockdown season.

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