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Cuentacuentos Tepeztate – Cristina Garcia Garcia

Cuentacuentos Tepeztate from Cristina Garcia Garcia is produced in San Dionisio Ocotepec, Oaxaca.

About this destilado de agave

Cuentacuentos Tepeztate from Cristina Garcia Garcia is produced in San Dionisio Ocotepec, Oaxaca. Cristina is the youngest daughter of famed mezcalero Serafin Garcia Geronimo. She began producing mezcal at the age of just 19 years old with lote MX-25 of this Tepeztate. She is the sixth generation of this mezcal family.


Cuentacuentos curates small-batch traditional mezcals and destilados de agave from producers across the state of Oaxaca. Cuentacuentos released its first 6 mezcal expressions in 2018; future releases from the brand will change over time and include non-certified mezcals. The logo and bottle artwork (by artist Cesar Ruiz Conseco) features an opossum or tlacuache in Spanish. The tlacuache on the logo is El Viejito, the little old man opposum who stole mezcal from the demons as a service to humanity. The tlacuache ranks with the jaguar, eagle, and burro in importance in Zapotec, Taina, and Mexican mythologies. The Cuentacuentos motto is Mezcal brings people together, stories make us friends.

Member rating

4.5 out of 5

1 review



115 reviews
Rated 4.5 out of 5 stars3 months ago

Lote MX-25 bottle 234/310 February 2023 48.6% Mescalero Christina Garcia Garcia. Aromas for me out of the bottle are clean and green very light on the nose absolutely no smoke with a slightly sharp agave roasted finish on the aroma. The flavors also followed to suit clean and green pine needles damp Green Earth Moss a little salinity Cedarwood with an absolutely clean finish just begging to sip more. Very typical alcohol acetone Aromas on the end . for the price this is a bargain Mezcal this is excellent drinking and could be a every day shelf drinker for the price of $60. I’ve had $100 bottles of tepeztate that were nowhere near as good. Great job young lady and we look forward to seeing more of your products in the future this is the future of Mezcal right here! Can’t wait for this bottle to air out a little bit and get some age on it and retaste it I think it’s got great potential this would easily be a five if you considered price.

Lote MX-25 bottle 234/310 February 2023 48.6% Mescalero Christina Garcia Garcia. Aromas for me out of the bottle are clean and green very light on the nose absolutely no smoke with a slightly sharp agave roasted finish on the aroma. The flavors also followed to suit clean and green pine needles damp Green Earth Moss a little salinity Cedarwood with an absolutely clean finish just begging to sip more. Very typical alcohol acetone Aromas on the end . for the price this is a bargain Mezcal this is

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