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Firme Espadin

Firme Mezcal Espadin is produced in Santiago Matatlán

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Brand:Firme Mezcal
Town:Santiago Matatlán
ABV: 42%
Age of plant: 9 years
Website: https://www.firmemezcal.com/, opens in new window

About this mezcal

Firme Mezcal Espadin is produced in Santiago Matatlán, Oaxaca using 9 year old Maguey Espadin (Agave angustifolia). The cooked agaves were crushed using a horse-drawn tahona. Next, the agaves were fermented in open air pine wood vats before being double-distilled in copper pots.

Firme Mezcal

Firme Mezcal brand was inspired by the rich Mexican-American Chicano culture that represents Southern California. A rich culture that values family, art, religion, traditions, and Mexican heritage.

In the Chicano culture, the word Firme can be interpreted to be loyal, can be attributed to a righteous person, a trustworthy individual that is highly respected in the barrio, or plain and simple to communicate great quality and admiration for something of quality and admiration.

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