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Mama Chuy Madre Cuishe Destilado con Yerba Santa + Cafe – Ageo Cortes

Mama Chuy Madre Cuishe Destilado con Yerba Santa + Cafe from Ageo Cortes is produced in Miahuatlan, Oaxaca.

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Category:Destilado de Agave
Brand:Mama Chuy
Mezcalero:Ageo Cortés
ABV: 45%
Website: https://www.instagram.com/mamachuy_spirits/, opens in new window

About this destilado de agave

Mama Chuy Madre Cuishe Destilado con Yerba Santa + Cafe from Ageo Cortes is produced in Miahuatlan, Oaxaca. After shaving the agave hearts, Ageo roasts them below ground in an earthen oven for 8-10 days. The oven is fueled by a blend of local woods (Encino, Mesquite, Palo de Aguila & Yegareche) atop volcanic rocks, covered with soil. He then takes the fresh cooked agave, mills them using an ox-drawn tahona & transfers the agave into cypress wood vats where they ferments using well water. This mezcal was distilled a second time with yerba santa from Cortes’ family farm and coffee sourced from Chiapas in a small Refrescadera copper pot still.

Mama Chuy

Mama Chuy is an agave spirits brand that curates small, limited batches primarily from the San Luis Amatlan and Miahuatlan regions of Oaxaca.

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