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Praedium Ensamble de 7

Praedium Ensamble de 7 is produced by maestro mezcalero Moises Martinez in the community of Santa Catarina Minas, Oaxaca.

About this mezcal

Praedium Ensamble de 7 is produced by maestro mezcalero Moises Martinez in the community of Santa Catarina Minas, Oaxaca. This ensamble is made with maguey Tobala, Tepeztate, Tripon, Jabali, Tobasiche, Arroqueno and Espadin. The agaves are cooked in an underground pit oven, milled by hand with mallets, fermented in open air pine vats, and double distilled in a small clay pot still.

Praedium Mezcal

Praedium Mezcal is produced by maestro mezcalero Moises Martinez and the brand is operated by his wife, Guadalupe. They live and produce mezcal in the community of Santa Catarina Minas, Oaxaca. Their family’s mezcal has been available in the community for generations, but it first became available in the US in mid-2023.

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