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Rayo Seco Cachetón

Rayo Seco Cachetón (Agave convallis) is produced by maestro Artemio Correa in Coatepec, Puebla.

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Category:Destilado de Agave
Brand:Rayo Seco
Mezcalero:Artemio Correa
ABV: 51%
Website: https://www.laschingonasimports.com/collection, opens in new window

About this destilado de agave

Rayo Seco Cachetón (Agave convallis) is produced by maestro Artemio Correa in Coatepec, Puebla. The agaves are roasted in a pit oven, milled by horse-drawn tahona, fermented with wild yeasts in spring water, and double distilled in a copper almebic still.

The maguey Cachetón is considered a cousin of what would be called maguey Jabali further south in Oaxaca. This rare varietal is from the arid southern region of Puebla near a protected cactus biosphere and former lake bed littered with pre-historic fossils, creating a distinctive terrior for this hard-to-harvest agave. Cacheton is also notorious for its high level of saponins, which produce hard-to-handle foam during the fermentation and distillation process (similar to maguey Jabali).

Rayo Seco

Rayo Seco Destilados is a brand featuring some of the finest producers in Guerrero, Mexico and beyond. They represent over five generations and they provide an introduction to the traditions of Guerrero to consumers across the globe. As of 2021, the state of Guerrero was still relatively untouched by many importers due to the decades-long unrest throughout much of the state. This is beginning to change as brands like Rayo Seco are at the forefront of exporting craft spirits from the region. Rayo Seco is also working with producers in other regions of Mexico.

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