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Rezpiral Tepextate + Jabali – Leonardo Hernandez

Rezpiral Tepextate + Jabali is a small batch mezcal from San Baltazar Guelavila, Oaxaca.

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Category:Destilado de Agave
Mezcalero:Leonardo Hernandez
Maguey:Jabali, Tepeztate
Agave:Convallis, Marmorata
Town:San Baltazar Guélavila
ABV: 46.7%
Age of plant: 18-30 years
Website: https://rezpiral.com/, opens in new window

About this destilado de agave

Rezpiral Tepextate + Jabali is a small batch mezcal from San Baltazar Guelavila, Oaxaca. This mezcal is made by maestro mezcalero Don Leonardo Hernandez, who is a 5th generation mezcalero.


Rezpiral brings selections of high-quality traditional small-batch (non-certified) Mezcals into a handful of places in the USA. At the core of the project is the embrace of an ethos that aims to respect and support the multi-generational knowledge, independence, flavors, lands, and ways of each mezcalero family.

Rezpiral’s small scale allows for the advocacy of diversity on different levels, from supporting the autonomy of producers & their continued production of artisanal mezcals to the preservation of local land control. Rezpiral actively supports master artisan’s proactive planting and management of agave; recollecting and incubating seeds, transplanting and farming diverse species of endemic agave in sustainable ways. Rezpiral directs 10% of earnings back into supporting artisans farming.

Rezpiral has a regional greenhouse to support independent small scale mezcaleros in cultivating and reforesting their lands with local endangered wild agave varietals. They also are highly focused on a cultural and conservation residency program.

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