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Tlamati Papalometl

Tlamati Papalometl is produced by the father and son mezcalero duo of Balbino & Sergio Sala in San Miguel Atlapulco, Puebla.

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Category:Destilado de Agave
Brand:Tlamati Sprits
Mezcalero:Balbino Salas, Sergio Salas
Town:San Miguel Atlapulco
ABV: 46.8%
Website: https://tlamati.com/, opens in new window

About this destilado de agave

Tlamati Papalometl is produced by Balbino & Sergio Salas. The Maguey Papalometl used in this mezcal is an Agave potatorum, similar to what would be called Maguey Tobala in Oaxaca. The village of San Miguel Atlapulco sits below Puebla’s active volcano Popocatepetl. It’s here where father and son mezcaleros, Balbino and Sergio Salas, have their widely revered palenque, dubbed El Individuo in recognition of the distinctive and exciting spirits they make. The agave is cultivated at around 6,500 feet above sea level, cooked in a traditional conical earthen oven, milled primarily by hand using a wooden mallet and canoa, and finally distilled in copper pot stills with a small rectifying chamber.

Tlamati Sprits

Tlamati Sprits is a cooperative and brand cofounded in Puebla, Mexico, by agave advocates Orlando and Patricia Estrada. Tlamati takes its name from an ancient Nahuatl word which translates loosely to Saber y Sentir, which means to know and to feel.

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