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Xicaru Tobalá

Xicaru Tobalá is made in Santiago Matatlan, Oaxaca using Maguey Tobala.

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Brand:Total Wine Spirits Direct, Xicaru Mezcal
Mezcalero:Fernando Santibañez
Town:Santiago Matatlán
ABV: 47%
Age of plant: 10-15 years
Website: https://xicarumezcal.com/, opens in new window

About this mezcal

Xicaru Tobalá carrys on the legacy of Maestro Mezcalero Fernando Santibañez. It is produced in Oaxaca, Mexico. Tobalá are some of smallest magueys in terms of size and yield. Xicaru harvest the Tobalá and roast them for a minimum of four days. The cooked agaves are then tahona mashed, naturally fermented, and double distilled to a final proof of 94.

Total Wine Spirits Direct

The US retailer Total Wine & More buys directly from distilleries for inventory at their many stores. These close relationships give them exclusive access to spirits at lower prices.

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Xicaru Mezcal

Xicaru is the Zapotec word for beautiful. This name reflects mezcalero Fernando Santibañez’s desire to share his artistic creations. Using his grandmother’s recipe, Fernando makes small batches of Xicaru Mezcal at his palenque in Matatlán, Oaxaca. Its natural smoky flavor is derived by cooking the agave in a conical stone oven on mesquite and ocote, woods native to Oaxaca. The cooked agave is tahona mashed and naturally fermented in an open pine vat. Following fermentation, it is double distilled in a copper alembic, filtered and precisely blended. Fernando is extremely proud to be able share his family’s mezcal with you.

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