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Burrito Fiestero Cenizo

Dec 12, 2020

Got a lot of funk/cheese and some light smoke but nothing I would say is worth having a bottle of. Although it comes in at a reasonable price for a Cenizo from Durango with a little extra investment there are some far superior expressions (Bozal, Leyenda, Sacro Imperio, Origen Raiz).

Los Vecinos del Campo Espadin

Dec 12, 2020

Got a bottle for around $25 so it was a definite value but I got caramelized sugar and tropical candy and not much else. Starting to see this more often and in a pinch, it will do the job as entry-level Espadin that just gets the job done.

Nuestra Soledad San Baltazar

Dec 10, 2020

Just tried the 2020 batch after it was recommended to me and its even better but this is for the 2019 (only batch I could find in the US). Rock solid Espadin with all its sugary goodness and a lingering profile that stays on your tongue. Nothing light/thin about this juice as it finishes with a nice hit of baking spice. Nothing out of this world but at $50 its a definite winner. Don Goyo has a Coyote and Cuishe that are out of this world – hope they make it up to the US soon!

Pelotón de la Muerte Pechuga

Dec 9, 2020

Was excited to try this batch but its just an overpowering flavor of orange and lemon starburst candy. The flavoring is so potent it almost seems artificial. I would say this is one of the worst bottle investments I’ve ever made. I gave it to a friend without telling him what it was and he thought it was flavored vodka. Go for their other new release and avoid this unless you’re putting it in a cocktail.

Maguey Melate Cuixe – Gregorio Martinez Garcia

Dec 2, 2020

Just tried this the last time I was in Oaxaca and it was love at first sip. Floral, vegetal, fresh, sweet, and lightly saline. After a full day of visiting palenques this one stood out above the rest. One of my favorite producers in the region as I truly enjoyed his other releases of Tepeztate of course and the Espadin (the new batch was really unique – not sure if its in the US market yet).

Alipus Destilado en Barro (San Miguel Sola)

Nov 14, 2020

80/20 Espadin and Arroqueno from Tio Leonardo- got a great deal on this bottle and the clay pot stuff seemingly always delivers. This bottle is no different – considering the value and the blend this a definite winner. Round, citrus, mild smoke, sweet, and all too easy to drink. One of my go-to bottles right now!

Paquera Espadin

Nov 7, 2020

Solid albeit forgettable budget Espadin. Reminds me of the lighter/lower ABV varieties but at 45% and with a reasonable bottle cost I give this a passing grade. Nothing lingering or notable taste-wise but worth having this in a cocktail.

Del Maguey Minero

Nov 5, 2020

A great opportunity to try a clay pot distilled mezcal from Santa Catarina Minas for less than $80/botle retail. Floral, sweet, smooth, vanilla, and that clay pot magic that has no substitute.

IZO Joven

Nov 4, 2020

Not sure what to make of this “mezcal” – just tastes like they had some issues with production and need to refine their product. Avoid tasting this at all costs until they remedy their production process. Some amazing Cenizos from Durango on the market so just look somewhere (anywhere) else. Undrinkable.

Banhez Pechuga de Pavo

Oct 27, 2020

Banhez has some great options but if you’re spending money on a pechuga style mezcal this is not the direction I would go. Overly spiced, minty, and gin like profile. Just too many other great options in this price point for mezcal that are far superior.

Ilegal Joven

Oct 27, 2020

Whispy and light – easy to mix into cocktails and won’t overpower any of your senses. Nevertheless a cool brand with great marketing and works great as a well mezcal.

Vago Elote – Aquilino García López

Oct 27, 2020

A wonderful option from Vago and for the price one of the best expressions to share with folks that are afraid of “smoke”. The taste is obvious – roasted sweet corn – reminds me of the first bite of fresh kettle corn with caramel notes, and pretty hot! You will really feel the proof once you get past the sweetness on the nose. Great to bring to a party!

Tio Pesca Mexicano

Oct 27, 2020

Sola de Vega is one of my favorite producing regions and this offering is on the par with some of my favorite mezcal. All the characteristics of clay pot distillation – cream, butter, soft, smooth mouth feel with a delicious honey/nectar/nuttiness. Price per bottle is high but this Mexicano is worth it!

Bozal Sacatoro

Oct 22, 2020

If you think all espadins taste the same or terroir doesn’t play a big role in the taste of mezcal than you need to try Sacatoro. Its essentially an Espadin grown in Guerrero but the profile is vastly different than any other I’ve encountered. Veggies and minerals come in strong and then I get a citrus/cheese like taste on the finish. Hard to pin the profile down on this bottle – worth a taste – not sure if I would want to buy an entire bottle.

Madre Espadin – Cuishe

Oct 22, 2020

Love the branding and bottle on a bar cart – especially if you can get a 200ml swing top. In terms of price this bottle is also a winner in that it comes in at around $45 and its becoming more common at stores. Bitter, mineral, with some green vegetal notes from the cuishe but I get a lot of acetone.

Mal Bien Espadin – Morales

Oct 22, 2020

Mal Bien has some great mezcal and this is a low cost entry in the big espadin space. Easy to use as a mixer but a little hot and punches you in the face with the first taste. The finish is pretty short so not ideal to sip and savor but for the price there are worse options out there.

Del Maguey VIDA Clásico

Oct 21, 2020

The hate has gone a bit too far on the most commonly found mezcal in the world. For cocktails it carries its weight perfectly but I would never suggest sipping it neat. Mineral, menthol, and smoke dominate here and for the right cocktail it works perfectly. The cost is reasonable and although there are far superior budget options this one is so easily accessible it gets extra points. Not what Ron Cooper had in mind when he brought mezcal to the US but its still a standard….

Leyendas Cenizo (Durango)

Oct 21, 2020

Silky smooth and sweet with definite floral notes. Lingers just long enough – my first Cenizo ever and I still remember it. Sometimes when I go back I get a faint hit of BBQ sauce but this is a complex offering and you’ll find something new every time you take a sip.

Mayalen Borrego

Oct 21, 2020

A low cost entry into the Pechuga category and a unique offering that is much better than the Bozal offering. Lamb tagine is the perfect description – cinnamon, warm spices, and lamb come across perfectly and if you’re looking for something unique this is a great option for the price point (usually around $65) this is a winner. A little lactic on the nose from the Cupreata but the flavors come through clearly. Not the type of bottle I want to finish in one sitting but a winner nonetheless!

Origen Raiz Cenizo

Oct 20, 2020

One of my favorites from Durango – green apple/pear/spice – find myself wanting to finish the bottle every time I take a sip. A more subtle/complex Cenzio expression and very different from other mezcals in the region. This is another bottle I always have on hand to share and its always a big hit!

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