Full disclosure: I’m a noob to te world of mezcal. That said, I’ve tasted a handful of mezcals – from the expensive to the cheap, here. That said, I find this one to be, for it’s price, an excellent value. It has a nice smokiness to it and I had no morning after headache like I’ve experienced with much more expensive mezcals (looking at Illegal, here).
Note, there is a worm, and it is infused with caramel, which as I understand it, is a deal-breaker for purists. But for about $30, it’s a great value.
The negative reviews here are a total mystery.
Granted, I’m very new to the world of mezcal. Recently, my brother bought two bottles for a vacation: Derrumbes (Oxaca), here, and Illegal (Joven). The illegal tasted like really good tequila. Nothing more, nothing less.
This Derrumbes however, was like nothing I’ve ever tasted before. The smokiness reminded my of Laphroaig scotch and the high was like a full-body massage. Heavenly.
So far, of the four I’ve tasted since, none has been as enjoyable.