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A geek that loves Mezcal and wants to learn more about it! I am also super keen in knowing how to use it beyond just sipping!
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Madre Espadin – Cuishe

Jun 4, 2024

First review 🙂

I had a double measure neat yesterday at a restaurant. First impression, visual, is good, its a nice big bottle with an old fashioned ‘stamped’ label. Second impression, smelling, is good too, nice smoky scent, you know what you are getting. Third impression, tasting, was a bit underwhelming, I kept trying to look for the character, but to me it tasted a bit plain, no particularly interesting notes. Fourth impression, the bill, disappointing, I would think that this kind of basic Mezcal would be good for cocktail making, but the pricepoint wouldnt inspire me to buy it, I compare it to San Cosme, which is cheaper, and would probably not re-purchase.

I tried many Mezcals but never remember what specifically I liked or disliked about them, so from now on, Ill document here!

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