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Retired, living in Los Angeles. Have traveled to Oaxaca frequently as my wife worked closely with the Oaxacan Indigenous farmworker community in Ventura County.
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Maguey Melate Lechuguilla – Agapito Yepiz Vega

May 2, 2024

Wonderful scent upon opening. Nice mouth feel. My initial reaction to the first sip was a pleasant sweetness, but then I thought it was a bit harsh. The taste has a long nice tail. In further sips the harshness was not present. Interesting mezcal.

Mezcalosfera Tobala – Don Ageo

Aug 1, 2023

Lot 06USA-19
Touch of initial sweetness, but it turned harsh on me. The second sip was better, but overall I was disappointed as it didn’t compare well to other tobalás I’ve had (e.g. the Rey Campero by Rómulo Sánchez Parada) and I have liked other offerings by Ageo Cortes.

Bruxo No. 2 Pechuga de Maguey

Jul 20, 2023

I’ve had several bottles of this over the years and the lastest was Lot: I0897. This is an excellent mezcal in a subtle way. Nothing pops out, but it’s smooth, has a nice aroma and finishes cleanly. Touch of smoke.

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