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Mal Bien Mexicano – Ramos

Dec 11, 2020

Rich on the palate. Honey, almond, bite of ash and a hint of minerality. Lovely complexity here, with the green vegetable notes, sweetness and savory smoke balancing nicely.

Delightful and complex, the Ramos pair never disappoints.

Rezpiral Tepextate – Simeon & Apolonio

Dec 11, 2020

Crisp and juicy on the palate. Some cabbage, bell pepper, fun cotton candy and raspberry. Light clay and ash, some faint plasticity.

This very much strays from the typical string bean bomb that many Teps are to me and I love it. Savoring this bottle so I don’t run out.

Marca Negra Arroqueno

Dec 11, 2020

Sweet at first, plenty of agave character here as well. Bright and fruit forward, a hint of cream and cheese on the back palate. Reminds me of salted melon, some cantaloupe, rising bread and some minerality.

Extremely pleasant, this bottling of a favorite agave never fails to disappoint and show the impressive skill in the hand of the maker.

Maguey Melate Papalometl – David Rivera Herrera

Dec 11, 2020

Sweet at first before the salinity and meat move on in. This is next level savory and reminds me of meat, crackers and cheese. Charcuterie in a bottle.

Maguey Melate Arroqueño – Semei Garcia Ramos

Dec 11, 2020

This is where this batch comes to life. Rich sweetness, almost a faint caramel and burnt sugar character. Faint anise, white pepper, cream cheese complexity and a bit of berry. Minerality is medium. Complex overall.

A unique Arroqueno for sure that bundles together a heaping handful of notes I love.

Maguey Melate Maximiliana – Julio Topete Becerra

Dec 11, 2020

Fruity at first with red berries, currant, strawberry and then a glue and varnish note. Interesting and wild. Some lactic influence on the back palate. A bit of pepper. Faintly musty.

Wild, interesting, fun.

Maguey Melate Tobaziche – Felix Cruz Angeles

Dec 11, 2020

Sweet at first – notes of buttercream and honey – before a bovine sized hammer slams into your palate. Pepper, slate, garlic and onion, notes of beef broth. Rich on the palate, a bit more balanced than some other Tobaziche I’ve had recently.

Still a beef broth bomb, but better than some recent other Tob’s.

Maguey Melate Tobaziche – Felix Angeles Arellanes

Dec 11, 2020

Rich on the palate. Cassia, meaty and vegetal. Not crisp in the string bean way. This reminds me of cinnamon, beef broth, soil and garlic. Extremely savory.

This is someones cup of tea but I”m not wooed by it. It’s well made but the flavors don’t encapsulate some of the things I love most about Mezcal.

Maguey Melate Tepextate – Hermogenes Vasquez

Dec 11, 2020

Powerful and complex on the palate. Notes of jalapeño, string bean, snow peas, hint of ash. Lovely soil driven terroir, stark minerality. Crisp and clean. Mouthfeel is rich while ethanol is low.

There is nothing I’d change about this Tepextate. It’s perfect.

Maguey Melate Tobala – Abel Quiroz

Dec 11, 2020

Sweet on the palate with plenty of cream sweetness and fruit. Melon, citrus zest, papaya. The clay is also evident, bringing plenty of savory earthy notes along with a hint of pepper and salinity. Powerful combination that delivers really nicely.

Huge fan of this Tobala, exceptional delivery.

Maguey Melate Barril – Antonio Martinez

Dec 11, 2020

a bit of heat but once again complex and interesting. Faint garlic, some green onion, hint of salinity and earthy minerality. Ultimately very savory.

Overall, this is quite interesting. It’s powerful and complex. It strays into the savory and peppery domains far more than anything sweet or fruity – although there are elements. Very nicely done.

Maguey Melate Pulquero – Felix Hernandez Ruiz

Dec 11, 2020

Bright and effervescent – light honey, bright floral qualities, almost like a lavender note. Citrus peel, mossy soil, crisp minerality. Hint of ash.

Interesting, complex and enticing, this specific batch from Felix shows the best side of Pulquero in a flavor packed release by Maguey Melate

Maguey Melate Espadilla/ Tobala – Federico Valentín Alva Ibáñez

Dec 11, 2020

Medium mouth feel. Dry and mineral forward, with some straw and grass playing with a hit of pepper and clay on the palate. Dry, mineral forward, a bit of ash.

Beautiful and complex on the nose, but a bit one notes on the back palate and finish. Really quite nice, but can’t reach as high as some other favorites.

Maguey Melate Madre Cuixe – Ageo Cortes

Dec 11, 2020

Lote 2

Thin to medium mouth feel. Bright, savory, effervescent. Pepper, soy, a hint of menthol and mintiness. Fresh rainwater, crisp. Faint wintergreen.

Unique, diverse and complex, this bottling from Ageo reinforces his notoriety for producing top notch Mezcal.

Maguey Melate Mexicano – Berta Vasquez

Dec 11, 2020

Rich on the palate, bursting with juicy fruitiness, more candy sweetness, pears, apple, kiwi. Salinity, ash, a hint of clay. Decadent and enticing.

I’m mad I only bought one. Really fucking mad.

Maguey Melate Pechuga – Rodrigo Martinez Mendez

Dec 11, 2020

Medium mouth feel on the palate – rich and buttery texture. Vanilla bean, faint sour fruits, green apple, green onion, faint earth and a touch of soil. Faint ash grows the longer it rests on the palate. Buttery is an excellent descriptor for the sensation on the palate.

Maguey Melate Coyote – Noé García Olivera

Dec 5, 2020

Sweet at first on the palate – satisfying, viscous mouthfeel. Cream, light soil, some clay, a bit of ash and tree bark, lovely faint fruity component. Plenty going on.

Delightful from start to finish, Noe’s Coyote is an expression that I won’t forget in the near future – or likely at all. This ties in so many flavors I love, with that lovely clay still character without going too overbearing. Total winner.

Maguey Melate Tepextate – Marta and Isaac García

Dec 5, 2020

Bright on the palate – quite complex. First taste brings bell pepper, string bean, jalapeno. The longer it rests, the sweeter and more mineral forward it becomes, ending with leek, ash and a touch of crispness.

This is an excellent look at a Tep that goes all out in “green” field notes on the palate but brings balance and complexity to the finish, without going too overboard. A masterpiece from Marta and Isaac.

NETA Espadin – Ranulfo Garcia Pacheco

Dec 5, 2020

Rich on the palate, with the return of a complex, buttery mouth feel. Big cream cheese frosting up front, with nutty undertones. Pepper and honey at first, followed by rich minerality. Hint of wood smoke, vibrant cedar and earthiness are present throughout. Really opulent palate overall, with a mouth feel that I typically only find in oily pechugas.

*The importer sent me this

Lalocura San Martinero, Tobasiche, Espadin

Dec 5, 2020

Creamy at first, with a pronounced nuttiness. Sweet sugar, mango, clay and pepper kick off before the minerality sinks its teeth in. The clay influence during distillation is impossible to ignore, as ash, soil, minerality and stone all bring structure to the palate to pair with pineapple and more. Impressively rich mouth feel, with the ethanol present only as an afterthought.

Wow – this is an Ensamble not to forget. The body, the complexity and the sheer combination of such bright, sweet, juicy fruits with the clay, soil and minerality is a near perfect combination.

*The importer sent me this

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