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James Christian
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Vago Mexicano – Aquilino

Aug 13, 2021

May 2019. Lot 6
The Mexicano from Aquilino is, as anyone who has ever tasted it would say, absolutely delicious. It’s complex with light citrus and honey that deepens as you settle into it. It has a little chili, nuts – it’s so balanced it’s hard to pick out one flavor profile.

However I can’t help think that I over romanticized the legend behind the bottle. I got caught up in the search for the last bottles from a master that we shall never see again. This has almost no finish compared to some others. It’s pretty thin, a bit nail polish on the nose, and I don’t think it’s the best expression of his craft.

Vago Cuixe – Aquilino Garcia Lopez

Jun 30, 2021

Lot: A-04-C-20
Nose: Very light Banana dessert on the nose. A bit of caramel and ethanol. Not as strong to me as some other reviews describe

Palate: Goes up and to the back really fast and a light burn lasts for a split second. After that it quickly thins out in the mouth. Finish is really short. Then after about 30 seconds it hits the lips and gets tingly.

Taste: For me this is not the typical Cuishe, but is a unique expression and really really good. So good that halfway through the bottle I scoured the earth and found another. It is a bit thinner and brighter, almost singing with subtle notes. More mint and mineral than vegetal. Light smoke and syrup.

Siete Misterios Coyote

May 18, 2021

2015 CYT05/15, bottle 383 out of 757
She came into the club smelling of sweetness and funk and leather. She carried a candied stick of celery crystallized in raw maple and those tiny licorice candies that you get after eating at an Indian restaurant in London.

This is my first Coyote, and the taste is like nothing I have ever experienced. It’s all maple and candy and licorice and yes.. celery wrapped in leather (my perfect date). But the finish just goes on and on and on like a lone crazy dancer in the club long after the music is gone and the lights are up.

Rey Campero Jabali

May 12, 2021

Lot DS016-J, Oct 2019

Revised to a 5 after going through a bootle and a half. I love this stuff!

Nose: I get mango and sugar corn pops with a little spicy pepper on the nose.

Palate: Super smooth and coating mouthfeel. Not a bit of burn anywhere. It just costs and makes the mouth watery.

Taste: Flavors are very slight mango with even slighter sugared bacon and almonds. Sometimes I get “Peppered Bacon Corn Pops” which makes me want that cereal to exist.

Balam Churique

May 12, 2021

Bottle number 173, batch BCH-11-19
The experience of this was like standing downwind on a cold mountaintop next to a raging fire of elderwood. An ancient forest creature gave me a bite of unripe green olive and green peppercorns, and then shoved a dusty steel pipe in my mouth and laughed. The finish is about as long and winding as i-80 across the US, and has many of the same strange characteristics. It is a whole mouth experience, and nothing is out of place. Every time I open the bottle i go deeper and deeper into the flavors and smile because it’s just so weird and good.

Mezcalosfera Bicuixe/ Madrecuixe/ Verde – Emanuel Ramos

May 10, 2021

What I liked about this mezcal is the Karwinskii forward notes, which for me included the slight semi-sweet nutty notes and a hint of spice. It opens up a great deal after the first few sips and tries to come to life.

What didn’t resonate with me was the mid-tongue burn, which at first is almost like sandpaper. I’m not getting a whole mouth experience here, and the finish is almost non-existent. This is my first Mescalosfera, and while I’m not giving up on the brand, this particular bottle is not something I would return to.

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